Your Internet Radio Starts Here

  • Get online in 10 minutes. No Coding or technical skills required
  • Get online in 10 minutes. No Coding or technical skills required
  • Broadcast from you Desktop or Browser or even your Smartphone.
  • Or… simply upload your playlist on the server and your Radio station will continue to play your favorite music while you sleep
  • Ask your friends and family to join you in broadcasting remotely.
  • You may run a  talk radio or work towards an aspiration to be an Online DJ and rock parties across the world
  • Complete integration with your social media accounts
  • All these for peanuts…well almost

Subscription Plans

ListenersBilled MonthlyBilled Yearly
100$ 7$ 87
500$ 30$ 301
1000$ 36$ 409
3000$ 72
$ 842
5000$ 90$ 1,023

Frequently asked questions

Most frequent questions and answers

What is Internet Radio ?

Internet Radio is a broadcast over an IP address. Unlike a terrestrial radio, anybody, anywhere in the world with internet connection can listen to any internet radio stations

What Technology is used ?

At Nomad we are committed to Open Source Technology and you can be sure that we would never use any proprietory technologies. For online radio, we use IceCast, Liquidsoap  and AzuraCast over LAMP in a docker container environment.

Do I need a license ?

No, you don’t need any license to broadcast over IP in most countries across the world. However, we advise you to check the broadcasting and internet laws of your country. 

I have no technical background. You think I can still run an Internet radio station ?

Yes. If you can perform normal computing tasks like sending an email or make a power point, we think you can do it. In any case no harm trying…. we are always here to help

What should I broadcast?

This question is best answered by yourself. Let us run our imagination wild. If you are a teacher, you could broadcast your lectures online and ask your students to listen. If you have things to say about the current affairs, you can start a talk radio or a news radio. If you are a musician, you can play your own music live and if you are a music buff broadcast you playlist for your listeners.

Do I need a big team to run a 24/7 internet radio station ?

With the state-of-the-art Radio Automation framework, you alone can run a station streaming music and other programme 24/7. However, it would be fun doing it if you have a few friends to work with in free time.

How am I suppose to get my listeners ?

This is a tricky question. There are millions of internet based radio station today. How will you create a niche for yourself depends on your imagination. There are many radio aggregators, like tunein, radiogarden etc. They help you in being discovered by listeners across the world. At our end we have built in a few widgets to connect your station to your social media accounts like twitter, telegram etc.

How much does it cost ?

You can check out the flexible subscription plans below. We have annual plans as well as monthly plans with different number of listeners. If you take a monthly plan now, you can cancel it next month and forget all about it. But on the other hand you could be the next sensation on the global digital media scene !!

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Turnkey Solution

If you are planning an internet radio venture, we can provide a turnkey solution from servers to clients. Get in touch to discuss your project with us.

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